What We're Doing Now

Stop For-Profit Plasma Collection

Canadian Blood Services has signed a 15-year deal with for-profit multinational pharmaceutical company Grifols to privatize the Canada’s plasma collection system.

Private plasma collection endangers the current voluntary system by creating a blood-for-money system that favours profits over ethics and exploits vulnerable populations.

Sign the petition below supporting a call to the CBS Board of Directors to cancel this deal with Grifols and keep blood plasma collection services public.

Sign here

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Private Deals, Proven Failures

When our government signs private deals with for-profit companies Nova Scotians are kept in the dark.

These private financing schemes deliver less for more and mean that the public don't own or control buildings that are important to our communities.

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National Standard in Long-term Care

Long-term Care in Canada is in crisis. Real, legislated national standards would bring LTC into the universal, public healthcare system and to ensure that everyone living in care can live not just safe and healthy, but also joyous, fulfilling and dignified lives.

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Universal health care is an unfinished project. While the public health insurance covers visits to the hospital or the doctor's office prescription drugs are not.

A national drug plan for everyone would save tens of billions of dollars and make sure that everyone has equal access to the medication that they need.

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Who We Are.

The Nova Scotia Health Coalition is a non-partisan group of citizens who believe that everyone deserves high quality, universally accessible public health care regardless of where they live or how much money is in their pocket.

